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Transformational leadership

Leaders exist in the rural communities of the Sertão, without a doubt. We propose to identify and encourage them to make aquaponic systems work for the benefit of their entire communities. Operating these systems, however, will require skills and technical knowledge that we plan to provide from the outset.


On the other hand, operating aquaponic systems does not require engagement nor commitment to the community. Seeking to develop sustainable systems that benefit the entire community, and promoting development that goes beyond improving the diet are not necessarily commonly held goals. Therefore, the need to develop transformational leadership.


In contrast to many popular assumptions about who can become a leader or what the role of a leader is, we know that transformational leaders are not necessarily elected officials, nor those who occupy institutional or religious positions. And while some level of formal education may be helpful, it is certainly neither required nor the basis for leadership.

Transformational leaders are:

  • Visionary

  • Motivators

  • Enablers who recognize the potential in their organizations, or in this case, their own communities.

  • They must have an integrative or holistic outlook, recognizing the potential for change in all dimensions of their communities leading toward

Transformational leaders are known for moving and changing things ‘in a big way,’ by communicating to followers a special vision of the future, and like charismatic leaders, tapping into followers’ higher ideals and motives” This is true because “transformational leadership seeks to change the status quo by articulating to followers the problems in the current system and a compelling vision of what a new organization could be.

Lussier and Achua, Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development, 2013).

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